AdSense Rejection? Don’t Freak Out! Here’s How to Get Approved

AdSense rejections can be frustrating, and understanding the reasons behind them is crucial to rectify the issues. There could be several reasons why AdSense might reject a blog site. Here are some common explanations:

Insufficient Content: AdSense requires a decent amount of original, valuable content to ensure a good user experience. Sites with thin or duplicated content may face rejection. Aim for high-quality, substantial content that provides value to your audience.

5 Reasons Why AdSense Might Reject Your Blog

Violations of AdSense Policies: Google has strict policies regarding content, including copyrighted material, adult content, illegal substances, violent content, etc. Ensure your site complies with these policies to avoid rejection.

Poor Website Design or Navigation: A site with a confusing layout, broken links, or poor navigation can impact user experience negatively. AdSense values user-friendly websites, so ensure your site is well-designed and easy to navigate.

Insufficient Traffic or Engagement: AdSense might reject sites with minimal traffic or engagement as it prefers websites that have a decent number of visitors and active engagement.

How to Avoid AdSense Rejection: A Step-by-Step Guide

Under Construction or Incomplete Site: Submitting a site that is still under construction or lacks essential pages like About Us, Contact, or Privacy Policy might lead to rejection. Ensure your site is complete and functional before applying.

Prohibited Content: Certain types of content such as hacking/cracking, illegal downloads, or promoting dishonest behavior are prohibited by AdSense. Ensure your site doesn’t promote such content.

Inadequate Privacy Policy or Legal Pages: AdSense requires sites to have a Privacy Policy and other legal pages. Make sure these pages are present and accessible.

AdSense Approved! Here’s How I Got My Blog Approved After 3 Rejections

Invalid Click Activity: If Google detects invalid click activity or believes your site encourages it, your application might get rejected. This includes clicking on your own ads, encouraging others to click, or using deceptive practices.

Unsatisfactory User Experience: Sites with excessive pop-ups, misleading links, or malware can get rejected by AdSense. Ensure your site provides a pleasant and safe user experience.

To improve your chances of approval:

Quality Content: Focus on creating original, valuable, and relevant content.
Adhere to Policies: Ensure your content complies with AdSense policies.
Enhance User Experience: Optimize your website design and navigation.
Increase Traffic and Engagement: Drive genuine traffic and engagement to your site.
Complete Your Site: Ensure all necessary pages are present and functional.
If your site gets rejected, AdSense usually provides reasons for the rejection. Review these reasons carefully, make necessary improvements, and reapply after addressing the issues. Sometimes, it might take a few attempts before getting approved. Don’t get disheartened, use rejection as an opportunity to improve your site further.

The Ultimate Secret to Getting AdSense Approval


Facing rejection from AdSense can be disheartening, but it’s also an opportunity to enhance your site’s quality and compliance. Understanding the potential reasons for rejection—such as insufficient content, policy violations, poor design, or inadequate user experience—enables you to address these issues effectively.

By focusing on creating valuable, original content, adhering strictly to AdSense policies, optimizing your website’s design and navigation, and prioritizing user experience, you can significantly improve your chances of approval.

Remember, rejection is not a dead-end but a stepping stone toward refining your site. Use the feedback provided by AdSense, make the necessary adjustments, and persist in your efforts. Eventually, with dedication and adherence to guidelines, your site will likely meet AdSense standards, leading to approval and the opportunity to monetize your content.

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